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Would you like to buy your property?

Got an interest in financing your rental? Call us- we will review your rent payment history, then propose a solution.

Contact Us

We are geared for high output. We are prepared to provide first class service, with unbeatable turnaround. We have a history of exceeding the expectations of all our clients, both large and small. We work with all types of materials. Contact us now, to see how we can truly help you.

  • Past 2 years' Tax Returns
  • 4 recent pay stubs
  • Letter from your employer
  • 6 months' bank statements (Savings & Checking) for personal & business (whichever applicable)
  • $50 per applicant for Credit Report
  • $100 per application for evaluation
  • Appraisal fee
  • Completed application

For tenants:
We'll help you coordinate the perfect purchase solution. Call us.

Contact Us

Expert advice from us.
Our advice has helped tenants to acquire their properties. We'll gladly provide you with professional service.
  • We evaluate
  • We structure
  • We arrange financing

Call us.
We'd like to speak with you. Let's get started.

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